Technology(One Day with Technology).

(Au tech-world)

As bad as we say technology, it is impossible to get rid of this problem now because we are currently living in global well-being and technology and its use has been a major source of growth in our society. Remember that everything has two sides, positive and negative. So technology is also a rush with these two aspects. It is now up to us to use it positively or negatively. Of course, the present era is about science and technology, we have to deal with it in every field. This is what the activities of the morning to night are all about, and that is where the activities are carried out. Someday, sit down and list all tasks from morning to night, count the number of tasks done using technology. Now, the method is very simple. The number of tasks that technology has used will be divided into 100 percent. The percentage you get will help you to know the importance of technology. I did this before I asked you a percentage. In the morning, half an hour before Adan woke up from the alarm, Alarm set in a mobile phone. I remember waking up in the morning before mobile technology, the only time-money-money-house-to-time-home-time-money-mom-in-the-back-of-the-world-of-the-world-of-the-day-of-the-day-moment-of-the-moment-of Every month, he was cleaned with spart ewes and mustard oil so that no one would get contaminated with the snout. Sadly, today, there must have been a lot of toxic contamination inside a closet in the house. Raised up from the alarm, closed the alarm, and saw the time. Also, some SMS readers on mobile were responding, but it was not enough time to answer because my answer could have caused someone to fall into sleep. Light-on, laptop opened, and attached to DSL-Router, internet signals appeared in the Windows' Notify Function Area with the connection restored. Check the e-mail and open the Ordo software and sit down to type the column. Since the prayer of Fajr, the series of good morning messages began, I also checked the Messages of watts app on a mobile phone and sent a quote to my group of friends with a good morning greeting. After breakfast and preparation, he reached college, guiding students seeking new admission to the online education helpline. My other colleagues also joined in this work. In the tea break, I approached the editor of my column newspaper with an electric letter. After taking up the college work, he went straight to the career office, where he sent the books to Rawalpindi for his brothers. Before printing the receipt in the office, the electronic gadget signed the touch screen and gave the print receipt, which was listed on all the information, including address, weight, tax, and total amount. After lunch, he rested and then came to his private office on the bike with his friend, poured petrol from the pump on the way, and nowadays almost all the petrol pumps work under the cybersystem, i.e. the flow of petrol is in analog fashion and when quantity and price are digital. After the office gossip, the home was re-published, the newspapers were read online and saved in the folder after downloading its article. After arriving home, he had dinner and heard political commentary on private television channels. Sitting with the children, asked them about the day-long complaints they had complained about, mostly about using and not using and using a laptop. Homework checked, identified errors with encouragement because the children immediately became angry and asked them to write clean again, and guided them. Discover the children's school, tuition, and other necessities notes and save them in your notepad. At night, he played the game on the table with them, when he saw the sleep in his eyes, closed the game and asked the kids to sleep. Now it was time to write my column and diary, put the Urdu dictionary together, and start writing. I have English and English from Urdu, English, and Ordo offline dictionary and while The Ordo dictionary (on historical terms) is in the online mobile phone. When the day began to sink in the eyes of the tired, he closed the books, diaries, and files, and soon went to the valleys of the sleepy. It was my day with technology, the use of technology in all-day activities was over 90 percent. Now you're asking you to calculate your one-day technology and see how much technology you use. Remember, I didn't mention mobile phone calls, SMS, Facebook communications, Watts app, air conditioning, solar system, etc. during all these activities. These are all the facilities that are the technology's most promising.