Astronomers have been working on how to observe the universe with modern scientific knowledge and modern knowledge. What does the Quran say about the universe?
Observation is the philosophy of astronomy, and is the first step in the case method? Or if the action appears, the next step is to explain what has happened – the observer then creates a way of making assumptions to understand and tell the object or event – from here on out. Interesting, especially in astronomy - as soon as an observer establishes an assumption, the door opens to many other possible assumptions that can be easily explained. Once an ideal proposal is made, other astronomers should use it to predict similar events and observations at some point later. The researcher scans the assumption by repeating the same observation - the success of the observation will justify the prediction and test the assumption behind it - every astronomical The discovery of the universe... from how the caves on the moon were formed, from the modern theory of the age of the universe... depended on the rigorous research method for its success.
Almost all astronomical observations can be divided into three categories: mirroring, light-scale and radial observations are collected with the help of a sash dish that resembles a TV or satellite dish but is much larger than that.
In the mirror, signals are mapped to a film or glass or obtained from an electronic camera called a DEVICE connected to a CCD or an electric bar, which is now used by many ordinary cameras. I also find, they have bar collectors that match the picture chip - THE CCD is a custom-made snout device with a very sensitive chip (a semi-composite sheet). Which saves light in a series of very small pits called photo parts or pixels - stored information is transferred from sheet to computer for analysis and finally an image The structure is adapted into a picture- the corresponding process is used to create a radio image by collecting information from rows of radio telescopes in one place.
Sometimes the distance is directed towards a place where the astronomical bodies are located as if the stars are in the sky – if we are researching one of the stars in this galaxy, and If the device can separate one star from another, it helps a lot – it is a picture of a potential dissolution – that is, the ability to distinguish objects from the location of the object and show them to each other. And their clear and clear image of them.
Some of the universe's components are rapidly changed, and if the images of these changes are as much as possible, scientists have the opportunity to learn more -
cameras connected to telescopes. You can take many pictures of something during an observation or look for a longer time than the human eye, but there is a limit to how many pictures are taken from the normal camera, plate, and CCD. This is why special types of cameras and tracking devices are used to reflect events that occur during a period of time - the same is the picture behind the advanced time or distance breakdown - the best device we can use to capture events in a fraction of a second.
Light Measurement (Photo Metric):
Light measurement is called to measure the intensity of light coming from an object – and it often depends on the device that can protect the observation from high-distance exposure – to the light scale as a very high-speed device. The device can be called a light-sensitive device - they resemble the devices used in light-steamed mirroring - the light scale, for example, the intensity of light coming from a variable star. I use it to measure the brightness - the intensity of light coming from stars and other elements in the universe is very important because these studies show their brightness or visual volume(magneto) It is determined that most astronomers refer to the star of the 8th volume or the 5th-volume comet as the star - the number of visible volumes is actually a reference to the ratio of brightness to other objects. The visual volume of the bright star is less, while the visual number of the bright star is higher - the series negative 5. 1 The sky with visual volume is the brightest star of the evening. 0 and The Beatles close to 5. 0 - in standard conditions, the most dimly we can see from our eye is the visual volume of the 5th or sixth - in the solar system, our sun shines at the visible size of negative 27, while the distance is 8. 16- Some remote lysing galaxies shine in the size of 30 or less!
Different light measurements measure different dimensions - therefore, separate sets of devices that are red, upper- and sensitive for visible or visible light - are the main components of the device.
To classify the astronomical phenomenon and to observe how the light currents that come from them affect their visible image, light measurement is a very connected system.
The light is divided into its dimensions – we are all aware of the daily dimensions, such as the light from the sun or the light passing through raindrops– these demonstrations simply show that the sun is not alight.
For the study of objects, the study of the objects helps to get answers to many questions that cannot be answered by relying on the uninvited light – what is the chemical mechanism of the inter-atomic gas cloud? How hot is the star? What kind of gases and ice does the comet star contain? What is the speed of the star of a galaxy's center? The methods of the study of the light of stars, galaxies, galaxies, and stars are used to read and remove the light of the stars and give access to answers to such questions:
The simplest device is the Spectroscopy which divides light into very large pieces according to the wave - a single instrument that works, but the most modern astronomical scale (he Device that distributes light by using a device and records the data on a movie or computer) has a net use - it is a mirror or glass pass (plate). It is a very fine line that is drawn - when light passes through these lines, it is divided into very fine waves - you can see a CD (a close-up of the screen) in sunlight and understand how the insinuation works.
Only 15 16 years ago, no astronomer could have expected that the solar system could be as diverse and unique as it was in the last 15 years. The flood of observations may be of the most exciting and surprising of the types of knowledge that are orbiting the stars of the neutron and white-snow stars.
Imam Razi was a scholar of wisdom and wisdom and philosophy, so he presented rational arguments like the words and imitations of Islam as the Luqman Islam. Some people in the time of sahib objected that the Imam had added the words of the ruling and the philosophy in the tafsir to the extent that it had become a book of wisdom instead of the scholars of the interpretation.
In his reply, he writes in the description of the prophet (god of Allah) in the Qur'an, "Surely your God is the One who created the heaven and the earth in six days"
وربما جاء بعض الجہا ل و الحمقا وقال انک اکثرت فی تفسر کتاب اللہ من علم الہیئۃ والنجوم و ذالک علی خلاف المعتاد
Some ignorant people came to me and said, "You have mentioned the knowledge of the Book of Allah in many words, and this is a habit of the opposite."
In response, he said, "If you read the book of Allah without any explanation, the error and the dictionary of the self-reflection will be well-defined – then they answer it like this:
1. Allaah has repeatedly rebutted and recursively, with the creation of the heavens and the earth on His knowledge, power and wisdom, the night-day arrival, the light and the nature of the stars, the conditions of the moon and the sun, so that they can consider their situation and discuss them.
2. Allaah has encouraged The Ghorofkar.
افلم ینظرو االسّماء فوقھم کیف بنیناھا و زّینّاھا ومالھا من فروج ہ ق/6
Why do they not see the sky above us, how we have made it and how we have made it, and how it is made, and there is no direction in it?
3. Allaah says that creating the heavens and earth is more great work than the creation of man. With God's motivation to think in the human being, it is more important to consider the circumstances and to make his wonders more important.
Yatfkaron per Khalq al-Samataand and Al-Aa'd Rabna Ma Khaliqat, a taal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
And they keep thinking about the creation of heaven and the earth ( and say ): Our Lord, you have not created this factory without purpose.
5. There are two types of people who believe in the grace of any book, one who believes in it, and they do not know the meaning slyness of the book in detail – the other is those who are aware of the meaning slyness and the taste of the book in detail. The highest degree of the book is reached, but the faith of the other group is increased even more in strength and strength – and the more the person who knows the book's knowledge of the book's worth and, the more he believes in the glory and glory of the author of the book.
The knowledge of astronomy also proves the status of the world through the sand, and one is a light-hearted person who has a vision of his love and glory.