Misuse of technology!!
(AU tech-world, )

The biggest success of the insinuate is the technology it created. Human beings are unable to hear the harms caused by this noise of success, especially in the younger generation, physical and moral decline. Both positive and negative effects are being made on our younger generation, especially cable networks, social networks, mobile phones, and social apps that have made young people uncivilized and uncivilized. It is also true that without the Internet, mobile phones, and social networking, the internet seems to be uncolored and unproductive because these sources have made it easier to communicate and get closer to each other.
Nowadays most parents seem to have some advice with their children. As you're always on a mobile phone, it's not all your softie, your father doesn't feel it, the number in the exam is low, I'll make a bone-scent, and while girls hear it, you're always sitting in front of the TV, it's not working, it's not yours, it's not a heart in the air,  Parents are warning children that the constant use of the Internet, gaming, mobile phones, and social networking will lead to their education, rather than most of their time many are looking at their children's social activities, sleeping so that mobile phone companies have introduced cheap SMS, call, and net packages that will help young people get engaged in mobile or the internet all the time.
The most common leg of computers, mobile phone internet and modern devices like these is the new generation. Whether it's a girl or a boy, the first mobile phone is visited before and after the boy gets up. Whether it's a family meeting or a friend's conversation, it's considered to be a little bit of a family-friendly update. If you talk about games, many
games are causing violence in children, like the one called 'Pub J'. The game is also popular in the child-child age, and the popularity and the edition of the pub game is not limited to the game but also the regular pub-themed restaurant in the city of Karachi. The people who come there are provided with secure internet.
When it comes to social networking, not only the younger class, but people of all ages are seen using social networking sites. Social networking is used to perform all these duties, but nowadays social networking abuse is common. Cyber billing is a victim of not only boys, girls, but teachers. According to the study, 17% of teachers have been subjected to cyber billing by students. Many software such as photo-editing or hacking using software to hack into someone's personal account and their personal data. They have become so much more than moral.
The use of anything that is too limited to be harmful, and the use of technology has made humans mentally and physically weak.
Computers were used in educational institutions as well as offices and businesses. But now computers are used for educational activities less and less for gaming. Cable television has also promoted the wrong trends and insecurity. Television was an important source of entertainment, and also trained children and young people, and programs such as Open-Sm, Glass-Jin, Auction House and Unique People were broadcast. All the people in the house used to sit in one room together and watch the T-V. Parents are unaware of what children are seeing, watching romantic dramas and movies on the Internet and TV, to make the young generation think real. They seem to find the same warmth, and they do things like suicide when they are suffering from failure and heart failure, which can lead to a bad omen in society.