(Au tech-world)
The propaganda of crime has been termed as cyber terrorism. In addition, the attempt to create fear or insecurity in the government or the public and to spread fear in the society or to threaten it will also come under the category of cyber terrorism. The threat of increased or threatening interfaith, sectarian or racial hatred will also be cyber terrorism, and all these crimes will be punishable by up to 14 years imprisonment and up to Rs 500 crore.
Pakistan's National Assembly has approved the controversial cybercrime bill, which was amended in a majority vote. The Upper House of Pakistan has already approved the bill and now the bill will become law after the signing of the President's state. The bill was introduced at the national assembly meeting but could not be passed because the core was not completed.

Now the bill does not criminalize speaking against the provinces, which was a punishable offense before.
The TV or radio channels licensed by the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PIMRA) will not come under the jurisdiction of the bill.
Now, an investigation will be initiated before the case against anyone is sent to the relevant court, steps will be taken to prevent the interference of security agencies and ensure that the law is not used for political purposes.
The bill defines 23 crimes that will be covered by 30 times of the criminal code. Here is a description of these crimes and their punishments.
Unauthorized access to information systems or data:
Knowingly accessing any information system or data illegally can carry up to three months in prison and a fine of 50,000 or both.
Data without permission copy or transmission:

Information system interference:
A person who has partial or complete interference or damage to any data system can be sentenced to a maximum of two years in prison and a fine of 500,000.
Unauthorized access to essential infrastructure data:
Any mandatory infrastructure data can be a maximum of three years in prison and a fine of one million or both for copying or moving without permission.
Unpermitted copy or transmission of essential infrastructure data:
The person who deliberately or sends the data about the mandatory infrastructure will be sentenced to a maximum of five years in prison and a fine of Rs 50 lakh.
Intervention in essential infrastructure information systems:
Any partial or complete interference or damage to any mandatory infrastructure data system can result in a maximum of seven years in prison and a fine of Rs 1crore.
Crime Promotion:
Any information system or device can result in a seven-year prison term and a fine of Rs 1crore for preparing and broadcasting information for the activities of terrorists and terrorists, non-affiliated organizations and individuals associated with them.
Cyber terrorism:
The draft law calls for unauthorized access to essential infrastructure data, unauthorized copying and interference, as well as criminal publicity. In addition, the attempt to create fear or insecurity in the government or the public and to spread fear in the society or to threaten it will also come under the category of cyber terrorism. The threat of increased or threatening interfaith, sectarian or racial hatred will also be cyber terrorism, and all these crimes will be punishable by up to 14 years imprisonment and up to Rs 500 crore.
Hateful speech:
Seven years of imprisonment and imprisonment for producing or broadcasting information that promotes interfaith, sectarian or racial discrimination.
Recruitment for terrorism, funding:
Terrorism can carry up to seven years in prison or a fine or both for information preparation, funding, recruiting people, or planning terrorism.
Electronic fake:
Any information system, a data intercept or fraud, may result in a fine of up to three years imprisonment, up to Rs. 2.5 lakh or both for entering, deleting, hiding or modifying data.
Electronic fraud:
Fraud may result in a two-year prison term or a fine of Rs 1crore or both for interfering with an information system or device, or using it, for cheating or forinholding a person to be associated with the fraud.
Preparation or supply of equipment for use in crime:
Any assistance in providing, preparing, exporting, or supplying equipment to assist in cyber crimes can result in a fine of up to six months imprisonment or a fine of up to Rs 50,000 or both.
Unauthorized use of identity information:
Without any authority, there is a fine of up to three years imprisonment or up to Rs 50,000 for obtaining, selling, possession, transfer, or using. The person whose information is used can apply to the authority to withhold their information which will take appropriate action.
Unusual reward sm card etc.
The legal procedure for selling or supplying mobile phones' SIM cards, reuse identification modules or cellular mobiles, wireless phones and other handheld daisies such as tablets or supply can be punishable with up to three years imprisonment or a fine of up to Rs 500,000.
Change in communication devices:
The use or sale of a communications device by using a 'unique identification device' including mobile phones, wireless, etc. can result in a three-year jail term or a fine of Rs 10 lakh or both.
Unauthorized acquisition:
Any unauthorized transmission from or within the information system that is not public or public, or an information system, can result in a penalty of up to two years imprisonment or a fine of up to Rs 500,000 for the unauthorized electronic waste of data.
Crimes against dignity:
An information system may punish or punish a person with a fine of three years or rs 10 lakh for displaying or transmitting information that is false and false and harmful to fame. This will not apply to licensed channels under The Pemra.
Crimes against the Holy Spirit:
Information systems help to make a person's face image a porn image or video, to display or publish a sexual image or video, to blackmail or blackmail a person through a sexual act or a photo or video, or to persuade or persuade him to perform sexual acts. For the first time with the offender, the sentence for these crimes will be seven years and ten years for re-committing.
Image by the prophets:
The information system can result in a seven-year prison term or a fine of Rs 50 lakh or both for spreading images or videos of people engaging in sexual activity, possessing or giving them to others or revealing the identity of such a person.
Required code:
A data system or data is sentenced to two years imprisonment or a fine of rs 1 0 for knowingly damaging, stealing, changing, writing and offering, distributing, or transferring a data system or a-device-to' target='blank_' title='Entry of "device"'>device.
A person is imprisoned for three years for allegedly forcing or threatening or harassing, including by other communication sources, including the Internet, website, e-mail, and tracking communicating, monitoring or spying, making and displaying, and displaying videos without permission.
A person without his permission is a harmful, deceptive, misleading, illegal or messaging spamming of information that can result in imprisonment for up to three months and a fine of Rs 50,000 to Rs 50,000. Meanwhile, individuals or organizations engaged in the marketing process must give the recipient of their messages the right to receive the messages.
The purpose of establishing a website and providing information from a fake source is to ensure that the recipient is a victim of a sloping offense that could result in a penalty of three years in prison or a fine of Rs 500,000 or both.